
My Morning Smoothie

Truth be told, I’m not much of a foodie. Sure, I get excited about the prospect of certain treats (Peanut M&M’s mainly), but decadent, drawn-out meals consisting of endless courses actually bore me. Most mornings I keep things clean; A fresh homemade smoothie and a bowl of seasonal fruit will forever make me happy. I’ve learnt the benefits of starting each day right, and am constantly surprised how routine incorporating a few simple things has become. Hope you enjoy!

Mr Essentialist’s Berry Smoothie:

• One banana, chopped

• One cup of frozen berries (I like to mix blackberries and strawberries)

• One teaspoon of chia seeds

• Two cups of coconut water (avoid anything with added sugar)

• One serving of Warrior Blend, a GMO and gluten free, vegan plant-based protein powder I swear by

• Half a cup of unsweetened almond milk

• Blitz everything in whatever contraption you own (I’m all about my Vitamix)

Follow me over on @MrEssentialist for daily updates and more things I love.

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